3 Simple ways to prepare for Easter as a family

3 Simple ways to prepare for Easter as a family

I had an argument with my son yesterday. My point: Easter is more important than Christmas, because without Easter, Christmas would be meaningless. His point: Christmas is more important than Easter, because you wouldn’t have Easter without Christmas. We ended...
Quick ideas for praying with squirmy kids

Quick ideas for praying with squirmy kids

My husband and I have 3 boys. Sometimes our house is a little bit crazy. I know, right? You would never have guessed. ? When it comes to prayer time, we have STRUGGLED to get them to sit still for just 5 seconds, never mind to pour out their hearts to God. Prayer time...

Wise For Salvation book

2016 Word Award finalist for Children’s Nonfiction: Young children can know God’s Word! As your family follows each week’s series of devotions, children will act, dance, draw, imagine, memorize, and sing their way to a better relationship with God...