Experience Jesus’ incredible COMPASSION, his unexpected MISSION,
and the holy sweetness of FRIENDSHIP with him.

Hi, I’m Christie Thomas.


When my kids were young, it was fairly easy to do “devotions” with my kids because I had resources to help me make it fun and educational. 

But then my eldest outgrew our favorite resource. We started at least 5 new devotional books but I kept throwing them away in frustration. None of them worked! They were too complicated or too metaphorical or too…much.

Not only that, but I wanted to do something with all my kids, not

just one at a time. 

That’s when I realized that I could just read the ACTUAL BIBLE with my kids!

It wasn’t always easy, but I started creating questions and other totally simple hands-on ways to interact with each day’s reading, and a new habit was born: one of reading the actual Bible with all 3 of my children, 5 years apart in age. 

If we want our kids to walk with God, they have to move past devotionals at some point, and read the actual Bible.

And the BEST place to start is with the Gospels.


Because the best way to get to know who God is…is by falling in love with Jesus.

WARNING: Continue reading ONLY if you are ready to:

✔️ Read a whole book of the Bible as a family

✔️Understand Jesus' more confusing teachings

✔️Experience the deep compassion of Jesus

✔️ Get into the habit of meeting with Jesus daily

✔️Understand why Jesus had to die (and rise again)

✔️Fall in love with Jesus

The 40 Days With Jesus Bible Family Bible Study will take you through the entire book of Mark in 40 days.


The study includes family-friendly background info and video links for Mark.


Each day’s reading is broken into a full or shortened version, with open-ended discussion questions for your whole family. You can modify this study to use on your own, to use with young kids, older kids, and even with teens.


Each day includes a simple play-based activity for your younger kids and a thoughtful devotional just for you (or your teens).

This resource is a downloadable PDF so you can print it off immediately or use it from your device.

PRICE: $15 $10


Elissa's review:

“Reading through what you have provided has helped us to read through the gospel of Mark with a fresh perspective (my husband and I both grew up in Christian homes and have done a lot of Biblical studies over the years). We really appreciate in this reading of Mark, that you consistently asked us to look for how Jesus’ heart and actions reveal what God is like.”

Careen's review:

“Your use of the word “pavior” inspired me to help prepare the way for Jesus in the hearts of our eleven grandchildren (10 and under).”

Cathy's review:

“This study really helped deepen my understanding of the gospel, which directly correlates with my growing faith. I loved it so much I am now using it as a mentorship tool.”

BONUS: Add these 2 studies to make a bundle:


FAMILY EASTER EXPERIENCE: Experience an interactive and meaningful Easter with your kids without prepping complicated crafts. 9 daily devotions run from Palm Sunday to Easter Monday. ($10 VALUE)


New to Lent? Participate in a fun Shrove Tuesday activity that will help your kids find the thrill in Easter Sunday. Then learn about sin, repentance, and forgiveness with this engaging Ash Wednesday activity. ($3 VALUE)


$15  $10

Digital only, no physical product will be shipped.

• Printable study with background info and video links for Mark.

• Daily, open-ended discussion questions for your whole family.

• Daily play-based activity for your younger kids.

• Daily, thoughtful devotional just for you.


$28 $13

Digital only, no physical product will be shipped.

• Full 40 Days With Jesus Study, printable
($15 value)

• Lead Me to Jesus, 9-day activity and devotional guide for families. Includes crafts, object lessons, and daily readings for Easter week, printable.
($10 value)

• Ash Wednesday devotional and activity for kids, printable
($3 value)


$141 $57

Digital only, no physical product will be shipped. Normally, my digital files have a group license price of $47 EACH. You will get 3 resources in this bundle.

• Everything in the BUNDLE, with permission to print or email to your church/school families.

• Social media graphics to get families excited about “Lead Me To Jesus”

• Leader’s guide for “Lead Me To Jesus”

Will I receive a physical product?

This bundle is entirely digital. After payment, please check your email for the links to download your resources!

Can I contact you if I have trouble?

If you have trouble with your order, please reach out to me at christie @ littleshootsdeeproots . com

What Bible translation do you use?

I normally only post Scripture references rather than quotes. There are no quotes in the 40 Days with Jesus study. In the “Lead Me to Jesus” Easter Experience, I use the NLT for some verse quotes on the last day.

What is your Statement of Faith?

I am a Protestant Christian and believe the tenets of the Nicene Creed. My books and studies have been used in churches worldwide and many reviews of my devotional books are available at online book retailers.

Can I see samples?

Absolutely!You can view sample pages on the product pages here:

40-Days With Jesus

Lead Me To Jesus

Ash Wednesday

Is there a refund policy?

Because this is a digital product, I don’t normally offer refunds. However, if you feel that you truly require a refund, please reply to the email you’ll receive post-purchase.

How to survive when your child dies suddenly

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share some commission. See my full disclosures, Terms of Use, and privacy policies on my Privacy Page.  I never recommend a product I don’t love.

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Today’s story comes from my friend Michele. As I’ve gotten to know her I have been amazed at her courage to continue trusting God in the midst of the grief of a mother’s worst nightmare. 

I became a mother on February 24, 2004 as my husband and I welcomed our first son into the world. We named him Nathaniel Caleb and we loved him so very much.

Our son, a gift from God, given to us. 

We loved hanging out as a family and spending time with our little guy. We took him camping and swimming, we read him books and taught him about Jesus. We went for walks and played with blocks, we played outside and played in the snow. We hugged, we laughed, we kissed and we loved. Our lives were blessed as we watched him grow.

It was when Nathaniel was about eleven months old when we first saw some signs that things were not right with him.

It started off with him refusing to eat and then throwing up everything he did eat. We thought he had the flu, but when this went on longer than it should have and got worse instead of better we took him to see the doctor. They ran test after test to try to figure out what was wrong with him.

An abdominal ultrasound finally revealed that there was a tumor on Nathanielʼs adrenal gland. We were told we needed to head straight to the hospital so they could run more tests to find out exactly what they were dealing with.

After we got to the hospital, Nathaniel really started to go downhill. His breathing became labored and he was so dehydrated that they couldnʼt get an IV started. They tried for hours. The doctors finally said they would need to sedate him in order to put the IV in.

Nathaniel never came back to us from that procedure.

He passed from this earth to heaven on March 18, 2005 at the age of thirteen months. We have missed him ever since.

What does it mean to be defined by grace rather than being defined by this tragedy?

How do I live a life defined by grace especially in light of losing a son?

How do I even carry on?

The answer for me lies in a complete surrendering to God. 

Itʼs a decision to allow God to move and work in our lives.
Itʼs choosing to trust God even when the circumstances of life are not what we expect or even want.
Itʼs a surrendering to the God who entered this broken world to die for us so that we might be redeemed.
Itʼs giving God full access to our lives and allowing his grace to wash over us.
Itʼs recognizing that his love is enough to get us through anything life throws at us.

As Nathaniel lay dying in the hospital I remember praying that God would heal his body, that he would bring our Nathaniel back to us.

I prayed he could be saved from death; he was too young to go. He had too much life yet to live. I believed with all my heart that God could perform a miracle and restore him back to health and I was asking him to do so.

God could have, but for whatever reason God said “no” to Nathanielʼs physical healing on this earth.

As I watched the doctors and nurses trying to resuscitate Nathaniel, I knew he was not going to make it. Standing in that pediatric ICU room there was a decision that needed to be made. What would I do with this? Would I still trust God even though Nathaniel would not come through? Could I trust God with even this? As I continued to pray, something inside of me caused me to pray differently.

I was no longer praying for healing, but I was praying, “Lord, if he isnʼt going to make it, then you have to get me through because I canʼt do it without you.”

I truly believe this was my moment of complete surrender. A moment of being defined by grace. God was asking me to trust him, to trust that even without my son he would be sufficient for me.

The moment I gave up control God moved in such a huge way. I had never experienced God like that before in my life. I felt an overwhelming sense of his love. My God moved to show me who he is.

In that moment where Nathanielʼs life lay in the balance I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was my everything. I knew he was with me and he was so incredibly close. I felt his very real presence like never before. His grace allowed me to say good-bye to my child. His grace allowed me to release Nathaniel from my arms to the arms of Jesus.

His grace allowed me to whisper to Nathaniel, “go home baby.”

I believe I could never have walked this journey without God. His grace flooded me not only in the hospital room that night, but also in the days, weeks and months to come. I clung to his promises in the Bible and felt a peace like never before. A peace that the Bible describes as one that passes all understanding.

And it is just that; itʼs hard to explain that tender place of being held in the hands of Almighty God.

Donʼt get me wrong, life is hard and I still struggle with certain things about the loss of my son. This road of grief and loss is not an easy one, but I believe God was teaching me about him in that time.

Through the pain he has taught me that he is completely trustworthy and I believe he continues to show me more of himself and his love as I choose to be defined by grace and not my circumstances.

Often when we miscarry a baby or lose a child, there are other children in our family that grieve as well. Help you child learn to cope with loss through my free resource: NAVIGATE: Navigating loss and grief with children as well as my picture book, Quinn Says Goodbye.

Michele lives on an acreage with her husband Mike and three wonderful kids, Faith, Julia and Caleb. She enjoys spending time with her family, scrapbooking, taking photographs, arranging flowers, laughing and having fun! She’s a stay-at-home mom and loves mostly every minute of it!

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1 Comment

  1. Ambelangm

    In February it will be 5 years my husband has been gone, in mat it will be 5 that my mother has been gone. And in June same for my grandmother. That year was probably the hardest year of my life. But thru it all God never left. My faith is stronger than ever. Thank you for sharing



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