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Discover 10 prayers for protection you can pray to God to cover you and your loved ones in threatening times.

We are constantly faced with so many uncertainties that could potentially benefit them or – harm them. There is an inherent need for safety within all human beings. We struggle to keep our loved ones safe (children, father, mother, siblings, friends, etc.), and to stay away from danger as much as possible. But with our limited strength and foresight, we are actually grossly incapable of protecting ourselves and our loved ones. There is so little that we can do by ourselves. Luckily, we have a Father who is not limited by strength or power.

The Bible admonishes us to pray instead of choosing to worry (Philippians 4:6). As you do so, keep in mind that you have a Father who is more than willing to answer your prayer. He is quite aware of your needs even before you pray.

“I will answer them before they even call me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!”

(Isaiah 65:24 NLT)

Therefore, as Christians, do not worry about protecting yourself and your children from harm. Instead, we need to pray and practice relinquishing that duty into the hands of God. When we do that, we are signifying our trust in Him and His power to do what He says. And God will always live up to His word. The Bible says He will even send His angels to guide and protect you from harm.

This article contains 10 powerful prayers for protection that will help guide you on your journey to praying for protection and safety for yourself and your loved ones.

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Prayer for Protection from Evil

Dear Father, I thank you for your power and eagerness to grant me my request. Thank you for loving me as well. Lord, please protect me against evil. This world is full of evil ones, but may our paths never cross. And even if I encounter one of them, Lord, please give me a discerning spirit and the wisdom to handle them. Please protect me from every accident, every spiritual attack, and every evil plan from the enemy. Shield me, God. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Prayer for the Safety and Protection of Your Family

Faithful Father, you have given me a beautiful family and I am truly grateful for that. As much as I mean well for them, my eyes can’t see as far as the future to discover any incoming evil. My arms are not wide enough to shield them, my ears are not big enough to hear their cry and my power is too little to keep them safe. Lord, please keep my family safe. I commit them into Your holy hands, I acknowledge my weakness and ask that You help me, Father. Thank you, Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Related: 5 Powerful Bible Verses to Pray Over Your Son

Prayer for Your Children’s Protection

Dear Father, I am here to request for protection over the beautiful children you gave me. Children can be innocent, adventurous, and free. They have little to no knowledge of the evils in this world. Lord, I pray that their innocence never lands them in trouble. May their adventurous and free spirit never take them to where they shouldn’t be. Father, I put my children in your hands. Please protect them. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Related: How to Pray the Armor of God Over Your Kids

Prayer Over Your Protection at Work

Dear Lord, I am obeying one of your principles of finance, which is working for what we earn. As I go to work, I ask for protection. Please shield me with your strong and mighty wings. Keep me safe Father. I come against every impending accident at work, trusting that in Yourp ower, I will not work to my death. I will live to eat the fruit of my labor. May I never work or walk astray from the path you have carved out for me. Help me, Father. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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Prayer Over Your Partner’s Protection

Dear Father, I bless your name for the wonderful partner you have given me. It was your divine orchestration that brought us together and I thank you for that. Lord, I ask that you keep my partner safe. Watch over his going out and his coming in. Protect him from accidents, and may the plot of the evil ones over his life come to nothing. As he moves about, may the angels of the Lord hold him up so that his foot will not dash against a stone. Help him, my Father. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Prayers for Protection Over Your Marriage

Dear Father, I am grateful for this beautiful union. But, Lord, there are some people and the forces of evil who are not happy about this happy marriage. I ask for Your protection over my marriage. May the plans of the wicked ones not succeed in my marriage. May this marriage glorify you at the end of days, and the enemy not thwart the plans You have for this marriage. Lord, once more, I ask for Your solid protection over my marriage. Please keep us together, strong and healthy till the end of days. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Prayer for Protection Whilst You Sleep

Dear Father, as I sleep tonight, I ask that You cover me with the blood of Jesus. Please protect me throughout the night. No weapon formed against me shall succeed over me as I rest. And Lord, please give me the strength I need for tomorrow. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Prayers for Protection Over Your Friends

Thank you for my wonderful friends, Father. Lord, may they never see evil. May they have the strength to overcome all challenges of life. May the Lord guard their gates and keep them safe. May they always be kept in the will of the Lord, and their entry and exit be blessed. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Prayer for Protection When You are Traveling

Lord Jesus, I am going on a journey. I solemnly commit my plans to travel into Your able hands. Lord, please bless my going out and my coming in. I cover the paths I will go through with the blood of Jesus, trusting that I shall not have any accident and that I will get to the destination safe and sound. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Prayer for Angels Protection

Dear Lord, with all the angels under Your command, I humbly ask that in Your infinite mercy, You keep Your angels charged with watching over me. Let Your angels, Angel Gabriel, Angel Michael, and the others protect me from all evil. As I go about my day, may they go with me, keep me safe, and help me with my activities, for the glory of Your name, not mine. In Jesus’ Name, amen.


These prayers for protection are not to limit your scope of talking to God. Instead, they should serve as a guide or a picture of what you can be praying about in each scenario. You can also pray for protection, guidance, and healing.

God loves you and He wants you to run to him whenever you feel unsure or uncertain about anything beyond you. Trust Him as you pray and He will honor His word in your life.

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