VOILA! A Disappearing Sin Object Lesson For Kids

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You can use this disappearing sin object lesson for children’s ministry or at home with your kids!

I have three boys, and they each approach sin in different ways. One is incredibly aware of his sin – he lashes out in anger and is usually called on it right away. We’ve have many conversations about sin and forgiveness and freedom in Christ. The wonderful thing about him is that while his sins are obvious and numerous, he repents easily and I’ve seen a lot of growth over the past few years.

One of my other boys naturally has an easier temperament, so his sin is more hidden. It’s harder to point out things like pride and sullenness, but they’re definitely there. Thankfully, he’s also a sweetheart and I’m learning how to parent him with the gentle touch he needs.

Saying that our kids sin can feel harsh, right? But it’s quite obvious to most parents that our kids DEFINITELY fall short of the righteousness of God.

If you want to help your kids understand what a sinful heart is like and how Jesus saves us, check out this simple object lesson!

Watch the video to see the object lesson in action, or read below.

Supplies Needed for the Disappearing Sin Object Lesson

  • Paper towel
  • 1 black permanent marker
  • Washable markers
  • Water


1) Fold the paper towel in half. 

2) Using a permanent marker, draw a heart shape on the top layer. 

3) Scribble on the bottom later with washable markers. 

disappearing sin Object lesson step 1

SAY: This picture is like my heart. I like to pretend that it’s all nice and clean inside, like this white paper towel. But underneath, I’m really all messy with sin.

4) Drop the paper towel in the water. The water-colour will initially show through the front of the heart but eventually wash out of the paper towel!

disappearing sin step 2

SAY: When I invite Jesus into my life, he sees all the messy sin. But when I accept his forgiveness, he washes the messiness away and leaves me with a clean heart.

This activity (and 8 others) are part of my 9-day Easter Experience for Families. Perfect for using at home or as a station-based activity at church! Check out the family version and the church (group) version.

More Object Lessons:

Need more object lessons? Check out these articles!

More Resources on Sharing the Gospel with Kids

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    I’m very much amazed by this disappearing sin object lesson. Can you pls tell me the brand of the washable marker that has been used. ?
    I would. Like to perform this for my Sunday school kids



    • Christie Thomas

      Hi Joel! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I think you can use any brand of washable marker. I think we probably used Crayola for this though, since we have a lot of Crayola products in our house!

      • Karen terp

        Using this during VBS for the dark and white pages of the wordless book.

  2. Jacqueline wangu

    Thank you, I love the children activity.

  3. Lyn Miller

    Awesome lesson. I’m sure it could apply to almost any age. Appreciate your teaching. Lyn Miller

    • Christie Thomas

      Thank you so much for taking time to comment! 🙂

  4. JB

    thank you so much. we will use this for todays sunday school lesson. it’s a nice visual for the children and easy enough to do with little ones as well as the older ones. God bless.

    • Christie Thomas

      I’m so glad you found it helpful! I hope your kids loved it.

  5. Misti Gunter

    I love this so much! Simple but so effective at getting the message across!

    • Christie Thomas

      Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Everytime I’ve done it with kids, it’s a big hit.

  6. Regina Eru

    Thanks so much for the insightful object lessons.
    I’m a new Sunday school teacher.
    I love your commitments and creativity.
    Thanks once again.


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