David and Goliath Sunday School Lesson for Kids

David and Goliath Sunday School Lesson for Kids

Inside: David and Goliath Sunday School Lesson for Kids, including a David and Goliath Object lesson, games, activity ideas, a story summary, discussion questions, and a devotional. This children’s Bible lesson is perfect for a Sunday school teacher, preschool...
How to explain the resurrection to a child

How to explain the resurrection to a child

INSIDE: how to explain the resurrection to a child, and a free printable conversation guide! Resurrection Sunday in 2018 happened shortly after I had a major surgery, so, for the first time in years, I wasn’t in charge of the Children’s Ministries that...
VOILA! A Disappearing Sin Object Lesson For Kids

VOILA! A Disappearing Sin Object Lesson For Kids

You can use this disappearing sin object lesson for children’s ministry or at home with your kids! I have three boys, and they each approach sin in different ways. One is incredibly aware of his sin – he lashes out in anger and is usually called on it...