Toddler prayer: A Primer for Christian Families

Toddler prayer: A Primer for Christian Families

A huge thank you to Lois McKiernan of Where Truth Lives for this fabulous article on toddler prayer! “Is there anything you’d like to pray?” My toddler nodded, then squeezed his big eyes closed. “Thank You, God, for all my friends playing...
7 Gospel-Focused Christian Easter books

7 Gospel-Focused Christian Easter books

INSIDE: Christian Easter books that share the Gospel message in addition to telling the actual story of the first Easter. Have you ever gotten a little stuck when trying to share the Easter story with kids? You might get stuck on the Christian lingo we use, like...
How to Hear From God: Listening Prayer for Kids

How to Hear From God: Listening Prayer for Kids

On whether listening prayer is Biblical, and teaching our kids how to hear from God. Giggling, my boys scurried into their beds. One up the ladder to the top bunk, the other underneath. Damp hair curled around their ears, smelling fresh from the bath.  It was...
How To Make the Most of Bedtime Prayer for Toddlers

How To Make the Most of Bedtime Prayer for Toddlers

Thank you to Kayla Alonso from Baby Devotions for this incredibly helpful post with 4 practical steps toward meaningful bedtime prayer for toddlers! Now I lay me down to sleep,I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. We...