Best Christian Board Books from 2019!

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Reading with your toddler can take incredible persistence! All the gnawing and grabbing and drooling can destroy your books. Thankfully, many of your favorite children’s books have been made into board books, and there are many new selections being published exclusively as board books. If you’d like to combine READING time with teaching your little ones the Christian faith, check out this list of the BEST Christian board books from 2019!

As I’ve connected more with other authors over the past year, it’s been my immense pleasure to watch them put out book babies into the world!

There have been many excellent new board books this year, and I want to highlight a few.

The “Good News!” series

The new “Good News!” Series from Our Daily Bread and Glenys Nellist is delightful. All 3 books came out this year.

Good News! God Made Me! has two major things going for it:

  1. The rhythm and rhyme is easy to read. No one likes stumbling over awkward rhythm!
  2. The illustrations depict a mixed-race family, which is rare for board books. I love showing my kids that families can look many different ways!
God Made Me by Glenys Nellist
Interior of God Made You

What we loved about Good News! It’s Easter! is that each picture had a clue that pointed to the next one, AND there was a path throughout the whole story that wound its way to the empty tomb! This Easter board book is very creative and engaging.

Good News! It's Easter! by Glenys Nellist

If you’re looking for a book to teach the Christmas story to your toddler, Good News! It’s Christmas! is a lovely one.

Good News! It's Christmas! by Glenys Nellist
Good News! It's Christmas! by Glenys Nellist

Love Is Kind

This is my FAVORITE kind of Christian picture book – it teaches about a Biblical concept through an actual story. If you’d like to introduce your little one to the concept of love as described in 1 Corinthians 13, you definitely want to grab yourself a copy of this board book! (Also comes in hardcover.)

Love is Kind by Laura Sassi

God Made Christmas

This gem is a board book version of the best selling “God Made Christmas” by Lisa Tawn Bergren. We love the illustrations in these books, and of course, learning about Christmas on a deeper level.

Two more Snuggle Time books!

Glenys has also written many other books, including the next instalment of the Snuggle Time series of board books! I hadn’t seen any of these before because my kids have mostly outgrown board books, but we couldn’t resist Snuggle Time Fall Blessings.

snuggle time bible stories

Snuggle Time Fall Blessings by Glenys Nellist

Tonight: a book of God’s bedtime promises

We loved this sweet board book that combines promises straight from the Bible with paraphrases that will comfort your bedtime-avoidant child!

tonight by Emily Assell

Holy Week: An Emotions Primer

A second great Easter board book came out this year! The Baby Believer series books are very cool concept books that mix Scripture with typical primer-style toddler books. For example, the Holy Week book shows the different emotions connected with Easter, with Scripture on each page to push the actual storyline along. It’s very unique!

Holy Week Baby Believer book

The Clive and Ian books from “What’s in the Bible”

There were several of these books that came out this year, but the ones we especially loved were the creation stories books, because they made us chuckle! Each of these tells a portion of the creation story through conversation between two characters, Clive and Ian. One asks the questions (and is funny!) and the other provides the answers.

God made the world Clive and Ian book
God made night and day Clive and Ian book
God made the animals Clive and Ian book
God made me Clive and Ian book

God Made The Ocean

I have one last book on the ever-popular (and always needed) creation theme. This book is also part of a series, and the book coming next year is about the rainforest! What fun.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this list! I hope I’ll have the chance to make another list for 2020, because board books are super fun. If you’re interested in picture books and children’s Bibles, make sure to check out my other book lists (down below)!

God made the ocean

Love a good booklist? Check these out

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  1. Della

    So happy to have found your website! I write faith-based books for children and love to connect with fellow Christian writers. My 2019 board books are with Beaming Books – PRECIOUS BABY and HUGGLE WUGGLE, BEDTIME SNUGGLE and next year in March I have a novelty lift-the-flap book coming out with WorthyKids called GOD BLESSES ME.
    I’ll be sure to check out your Quinn books! 🙂
    ~Della Ross Ferreri

    • Christie Thomas

      Thank you for stopping by Della! I snooped over on your website and your books look absolutely adorable!


    Thanks for including GOD GAVE US CHRISTMAS! Honored, friend. 🙂

  3. Hannah Hall

    I’m honored to be included! Thank you, Christie!



  1. 10 Must-Have Gospel-Centered Christmas Picture Books For Your Family - […] The Best Christian BOARD BOOKS of 2019 […]

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