The Power of Simple Spiritual Habits For Family Faith
Spiritual habits can be an incredibly powerful influence on our lives. Read on to find out why. Last week, I walked into a McDonalds with my husband. I ordered a salad, and he ordered a big juicy burger and poutine. The next day he was bemoaning his horrible...
A Tool To Help Kids Process Their Emotions
I’d like to welcome Kristin Vanderlip today to talk about how to help kids process their emotions. For years, I defined my life by its struggles—and I let them define me. I watched as the color drained right out of my life. My life with Jesus...
A simple way to help kids pray (+ free printables!)
Teach your kids to pray using this time-tested routine, and free prayer printables for kids! Teaching our children to communicate with God is foundational to helping them develop an actual relationship with him. But prayer is a mystery, isn’t it? As...