5 Life-Changing Tips to Help Kids Sleep 

5 Life-Changing Tips to Help Kids Sleep 

Help kids sleep (and get more yourself) with these 5 life-changing tips. My son’s little face scrunched as he greedily sucked down his meal. The smell of milk breath and sweet baby skin mingled, but I wasn’t focused on the moment. Instead, the rocker...
4 Effective Ways To Help Your Anxious Child

4 Effective Ways To Help Your Anxious Child

Guest post by Amy Fritz In 2013, I sat on the floor of my child’s room and listened to an epic, emotional meltdown. She didn’t have the ability to put words to what she was feeling and I was mystified. It took a few rounds of this scenario playing out...
4 simple ways to teach your kids about God

4 simple ways to teach your kids about God

Sometimes I skim through a book on passing on faith to kids and I feel exceedingly guilty. I’m not doing enough, praying enough, talking about God enough. Ever feel the same way? How can you teach your kids about God? Maybe you’re the parent who...