the misunderstood introvert

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My eldest son has a hard time being with people for long periods of time. He gets rather squirrely: acting out, hurting others, grabbing toys. It drives everyone crazy, and I have often found myself trying not to be embarrassed when with friends. As a studious student in everything about him, I have recently realized that he is an introvert.

Introverts NEED alone-time to recharge.

They are typically quieter in social situations because they are processing the conversations inwardly, not audibly. Many introverts have the habit of thinking of what they are going to say before they say it, which we need more of in our world, but also means conversations tend to move on before the introvert can have their say. They like to think, they like to be alone.

But they are not necessarily shy.

In fact, many not-shy introverts are mistaken for extroverts, which is why I didn’t notice this in my son until now. But social situations that go on for hours, or ones where the expectations are not clear, or where there are just too many people…that’s a recipe for disaster for a little boy who needs time alone to recharge.

My sweet son is such a homebody, and is happiest when making a craft, building a puzzle, or playing with Lego on his own. When he doesn’t get this time alone, he acts out. He has been more calm and content during summer holidays than all last year.

He gets distracted a lot, and after many frustrated years, we finally realized what is happening when he is zoned out – he’s thinking! Always creating something in his mind, synthesizing information, or thinking about life, it often looks like he’s not paying attention. Which, let’s be honest, he’s not. But it is not because he doesn’t care, it is because what’s going on in his head is so much more interesting than what’s going on in the world.

‘“Brain imaging studies have shown that when introverts and extroverts respond to external stimulation, introverts have more activity in the regions of the brain that process information, make meaning and problem solve,’ she said. This may explain why introverts need solitude and time to self-reflect in order to analyze ideas and think things through.” (from this page)

Unfortunately, our world isn’t designed for introverts.

School requires kids to be social for 7+ hours a day, and most teachers require and grade participation in class.

Kids that keep to themselves are often described as weird, antisocial, loners, or stuck-up.

Extroverts may see it as their mission in life to bring them out of their shell, when really, their shell is a quite interesting place!

Extroverts make up a greater chunk of society than introverts, so there are many teachers, students, and parents that just won’t understand my son.

But God has a place in his kingdom for introverts.

Many writers, philosophers, artists, and scientists were/are introverted. During my time in ministry it has shocked me to realize how many pastors and church staff are introverted.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@wise4salvation”]God has a special place in his kingdom for introverts.[/tweetthis]

“We can say without hesitation that God used, and uses, people of all different temperaments to carry out his mission to the world. God does not seek to conform them to a particular mold but he works within their unique personalities and utilizes their individual gifts both to bless them and to bless others.”

Adam S McHugh in Introverts in the Church: Finding our place in an extroverted culture

I easily identify with my son. I spent the majority of family reunions shut up in a bedroom with a book. I feel most alone in large groups, but rarely feel lonely when alone. I prefer to write my thoughts rather than talk about them. Sunday morning ministry, while enjoyable, usually finds me curled up on the couch afterward. I spent most of my school years completely silent in class. (So much so that my grade 6 teacher once left me behind when she took the class to gym!) In fact, in grade 9 I won an award for top grades in the school, and someone said to me, “I didn’t even know you were smart.” Why didn’t they know it? Because I didn’t talk much.

It’s only in my current job, a place of safety, that I have become the outgoing introvert that most people know.

So I get him, or at least, I’m on the path to understanding him. And that is crucial, because introverts are some of the most misunderstood people in our culture.

“Our families of origin convey to us messages about introversion, which set us on the path of either self-acceptance or self-criticism… ‘Growing up being constantly compared to extroverts can be very damaging. Most introverted children grow up receiving the message both overtly and covertly that something is wrong with them. They feel blamed – why can’t they answer the question faster? And defamed – maybe they aren’t that smart. Forty-nine of the fifty introverts I interviewed felt they had been reproached and maligned for being the way they were.’”

Adam S McHugh

As a parent, it’s my job to make sure my son knows that he was created GOOD. Not to criticize him and force him to be someone who he isn’t, but to allow him space when he needs it, and teach him to share his thoughts when he’s ready.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@wise4salvation”] It’s my job to make sure my son knows that he was created GOOD.[/tweetthis]

As a children’s minister, it’s my job to make sure the introverted kids in my ministry are allowed to be themselves. They should be encouraged to speak, but not forced to speak. I need to make sure there is a chance for them to process their God-thoughts on paper, through art, or in ways beyond class discussion.

The same holds true when I lead a women’s Bible study group. I had several very introverted women in my group this year. Because of these lovely ladies, I am learning to ask questions without requiring an answer, to start conversation without prying.

The mind of an introvert is a beautiful, misunderstood thing.

And of course, every introvert is different! On a sliding scale, my husband is much more introverted than I am, so it will be interesting to see how our son’s personality settles over time. I am thrilled to be parenting such a thoughtful, creative little boy. I will have to pray for much wisdom so he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that God created him GOOD.


How about you? Are you an introvert yourself, or do you find yourself parenting one? I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback! You may also like this post:

Tips for introvert parents

How to be an introvert parent without killing your kids!

5 tips to help develop community

5 ways to enjoy church as an introvert


If you’re looking for some books on the topic, here are some that I am reading.
(these are affiliate links – you don’t pay more but I get a teeny tiny commission!)

1) A bestseller on the topic of introversion: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

2) Introversion in the church:
Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture

3) Regarding introverted children, including ideas to help your child in school and family life: The Hidden Gifts of the Introverted Child: Helping Your Child Thrive in an Extroverted World

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  1. Line des Rosiers

    Wow, Christie. I’ve always known that I am extroverted, but never understood what an introvert actually was. I’ve had it described as closed off, more private, etc. and you are right that you are a great outgoing introvert. I never would have guessed. The information you shared is so necessary that I want to make sure that the Dove leaders get that. I will share this on the Dove page for those parents as well. I have noticed that several students love TKD, but while I thought them shy, it may just be that they are introverted to a degree. I’ll have to look up on how to make the big class tolerable for those students.

    • Christie

      Oh so great! Thank you for learning about those that are different!

    • Christie

      Also…I think that Taekwondo is an excellent place for introverts! They can get exercise without needing to be particularly social or play on a team.

  2. Janet Baird

    Well done Christie. So helpful. It is always a journey to understand children and ourselves. All different yet made in the image of God. Quite profound…. Really.

  3. Diana Mast

    Christie, I love this – something that I’ve been thinking of for quite some time. One of the things I’ve noticed is that being an introvert in church is hard to understand – both for the introvert and the extrovert. Some extroverts come across as ‘if you don’t do things their way then you are not “kingdom minded”. If you are detail orientated or take more time to process things etc. again that’s a waste of time and again you are not ‘kingdom minded’. So, an introvert can end up being discouraged and keep all that dwells within to themselves and feeling like there is something wrong with them. I’ll leave it at this (even though I could say a whole lot more about this …). Thanks for this thought provoking post 🙂

    • Christie

      I completely agree Diana. I have long felt incredible guilty about my lack of evangelism skills. But the truth is, I was not created with the ability to dialogue quickly in such conversations. I am so glad to live in an age where the written word is so easy! Thanks for sharing Diana – I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on the topic sometime. 🙂

  4. Devi Duerrmeier

    YES! Thank you for this. Adults need so much more education on introverted kids. It frustrates me to no end that almost every kid thing (kinder, school, church) is not set up for introverts.

    • Christie

      I agree! As a children’s minister, having this revelation about my own son has made me reflect more on how we approach kids ministry. Of all places, church should be a place where everyone should feel comfortable!

  5. Idania

    I love this! I can absolutely relate. My 13 year old son and I are both introverts and sorely misunderstood, especially by my husband. My husband thinks there’s something “wrong” with us and we *need* to change. He’s always looking for ways to fix us. Everything you describe in your article is completely true. I love that you cater to the introvert kids in church. They are the forgotten ones. My son *hates* going to youth service and activities because he feels left out and awkward. He will engage but only if he has a good friend by his side to encourage him (in others words, he needs a crutch) – he hasn’t yet learned to be comfortable being who and how he is. I’m definitely going to look into resources about this to help me learn to help him so that he doesn’t have to suffer being misunderstood and he learns to deal with people who try to change him.

    • Christie

      The amount of introverts that think there’s something wrong with them is astounding! I hated going to youth group too – most of the time I preferred to babysit on a Friday night rather than brave the awkwardness of youth group. I hope you find the resources I’ve shared helpful…and if you find other ones, please let me know!



  1. Being an introvert parent...without killing your children! - Christie Thomas - […] Check out my post on introversion in children […]
  2. An introvert's guide to surviving church - Christie Thomas - […] My posts about being an introverted parent and raising introverted children. […]

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