How to Help Your Entire Family Feel Refreshed Each Day

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A huge thanks goes to Jason Kenner from On Par Parent for this article today!

The Bible tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. When we keep this in mind, it’s easy to understand why we must honor it each and every day to look and feel our very best here on earth. Today’s post shares a few ways that your entire family can feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually refreshed each morning.

Wake up with a prayer.

Start each day by praising his presence. A little prayer each morning will go a long way toward ensuring you keep your mind centered and focused each day. Crosswalk offers several suggestions. Remember, when you start your day off on a positive note, you’ll set the tone for your entire day.

Go to bed with a book.

If you wake up with words of praise, it only makes sense to go to bed with the same. Little Shoots Deep Roots has offered insight before on great books for kids. Board books, such as Good News! Series are a great introduction to Christianity that will send your children off to slumber with a positive message in their hearts and minds.

Eat together.

Sitting down to share a meal together is a great way to bond with your family and enjoy open and honest conversations. As an added bonus, cooking at home gives you more chances to eat healthfully. If you don’t know how to cook, now is a great time to learn, and depending on where you live, one of the best places to start is to visit your local farmers’ market

Take breaks at work.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all skip the time clock? Unfortunately, we have to work and pay the bills. This does not mean that you can’t take care of yourself, and something as simple as a 20-minute cat nap on your lunch break a few times each week will help re-energize your brain so that you can be more productive. Other ways that you can mentally sidestep the stress of the day are to phone a friend or spend a few minutes organizing your workspace.

Attend service as a family.

Attending church together is also a great way to bond, get out of the house, and socialize. And according to research, children that spend more time around godly people in their youth are less likely to experience mental health issues, substance use, and behavioral problems in their teen years, according to the Christian marriage and family blog Keeping The Tie That Binds.


Everyone in your home, no matter how young or old, can enjoy the benefits of physical activity. You can even exercise with your newborn strapped to your chest or in the stroller by enjoying a beautiful day walking through your neighborhood.

Prioritize your appearance.

While it is true that beauty is on the inside, when you look good, you tend to feel good. Prioritize self-care by keeping your face and body clean, manicuring your nails, and keeping your hair neat and tidy. You’ll also want to get plenty of sleep and wear clothes that not only feel good, but that flatter your body style as well. Remember, there is nothing selfish about pampering yourself every now and then.

Your entire family deserves to look good and feel even better. The above tips, from taking a quick nap at work to exercising and, most importantly, waking and going to bed with a prayer and a positive story, are all great ways to honor your body, which was made in his likeness.

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