5 Engaging Ways To Keep Christ in Christmas For Your Kids

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INSIDE: 5 ways to keep Christ in Christmas with your young children

One year, my 5-year-old son announced, “Mom, Christmas really is about the presents…” I cocked my head and looked at him, wondering if there was more to his announcement, “…because God gave us Jesus!” I let out my breath in a sigh. I hadn’t even noticed I was holding it in, but there it was, waiting for my little man’s decision about the season.

I had tried really hard to show my boys that there is more to Christmas than presents and cookies and Santa and songs, and was relieved that at least a bit of my teaching had sunk in.

Christmas can be a very confusing time for Christian parents. We want to join in all the fun with elves on shelves and hanging out stockings and putting out cookies for the man with the gifts, and somehow the nativity story just doesn’t seem as glossy and exciting.

It doesn’t come with packages and bows, flying animals, or yule logs. But it does have unexpected angelic visitors, moving stars, and elegant gifts for a baby King!


Part of what makes Christmas exciting is the traditions: caroling, eating turkey dinners, wearing handmade sweaters, drinking hot chocolate by the fire, finding the biggest Christmas tree…they all have a special place in our hearts because we started those traditions in childhood!

So, what if we start some of our own traditions?


Could we create some traditions that serve the dual purpose of being fun and faith-based? The Christ part of Christmas doesn’t have to be boring! We can make new Christmas traditions that are full of joy and laughter and have extraordinary magic because of their eternal basis.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve worked hard to create some Christ-centered traditions with my family that we can use all throughout Advent. A full list of recommended ideas can be found in this post, but here are my top five!

We do NOT do all 5 every year. I’m a big fan of SIMPLE traditions, not traditions that are overwhelming and exhausting! Please use this as an idea-bank, not a prescriptive list of Things Christian Parents Must DO.

(This post was originally posted at Happy Strong Home.)

5 engaging ways to keep Christ in Christmas

1) Play “wise men on a shelf” instead of “elf on a shelf”

This year I bought a set of wise men, and we are going to play a game with them throughout Advent, a game like the “Elf on a Shelf”.

They may be found romping in a dumped bag of flour, poring over a map, or stuck in the coffee pot..who knows what kind of misadventures these guys may have!

The whole time, they will be trying to find their way to the newborn King. I think we’ll have a real celebration when they arrive, and it will be a good reminder that there is joy in the journey of pursuing Jesus!

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Day 4. Rescue mission. #wisemenstillseekhim

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Day 6. Now we all know where marshmallows come from. #wisemenstillseekhim #christianblogger #christmasfun #adventcalendar

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2) Christmas book advent calendar

I just counted – we actually have over 20 Christmas children’s books in our home…and that’s only the Nativity ones!

This year, we’re going to unwrap a bit of Jesus every day.

I’ll wrap all the books up (thanks to Costco for having their wrapping paper out already!) and each day of December we’ll unwrap a special story! As an added bonus, this will keep me from reading the super repetitive ones multiple times every day…because we’ll unwrap those ones on the 24th!

keep Christ in Christmas

3) Lighting advent candles

When I was in university, I tried creating my own Advent wreath tradition with my parents and sister. I’m not sure why, but we didn’t recreate it the following year (possibly because of the atrocious wreath I made).

But the longing for something deeper at Christmas persisted, so when I had my own children we started our own advent candle tradition.

Originally a Lutheran tradition, the Advent wreath with its candles have been brought into other denominations because of its simple beauty.

The candles in the wreath are lit once a week, usually on Sundays, starting four weekends before Christmas. The last candle is lit on Christmas Eve. Each candle means something, and each has a Bible reading involved.

This year, Advent begins on November 27, so it’s not too late for you to try this in your own family! The best part of this tradition is its low time commitment; almost anyone can remember to light a candle and do a reading once per week!

For more information about how to set up a wreath and download my child-friendly readings, check out this post on my blog.

Get the readings in your inbox each weekend of Advent!

4) Celebrate Jesus with a birthday party!

In my family, we often do a little birthday party for Jesus on Christmas Day. This year, we’re going to use Julie’s suggestions for an Advent Birthday Party for Jesus for a little extra pizzazz!

Advent birthday party for Jesus

5) Doing our annual Christmas bedtime devotions

Every year we do these very simple, but fun, bedtime devotions with our boys. They only take about 5 minutes but are delightful and satisfying, and our boys enjoy them each time we use them!

Click here to download your free resource:
20 bedtime activities to help your child put the “Christ” in Christmas!

So there you have it! 5 fun and engaging ways to put Christ in Christmas this year. Will you do one with me?

20 bedtime activities to put Christ back in Christmas

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  1. lindasue52

    Where did you find those Wise Men (in lieu of Elf on the Shelf)? What an adorable idea!

    • Christie Thomas

      Aren’t they cute? The Wise Men set pictured in my post are from Playmobil, but I’ve seen a lot of other cute wise men around Christmas time.



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