What A Boy Needs From His Mom

What A Boy Needs From His Mom

How can I, as a mom, raise a boy to be a man of integrity? Here’s what a boy needs from his mom…in a nutshell. A few years ago I wrote a post that went viral, originally called “The 9 Best Reasons to Live In a Houseful of Boys.” It was a silly...
9 Amazing Reasons to be a Mom of 3 Boys

9 Amazing Reasons to be a Mom of 3 Boys

Being a mom of 3 boys can be a lot of work, but there are significant perks to this mom-job! If I had a dollar for every time someone said one of the following things to me when I’m out with my 3 boys, I’d be living on a private island right now: Are you...
Fight Anxiety With This Simple Practice

Fight Anxiety With This Simple Practice

How to fight anxiety with gratitude, and why it works.  A blast of cold air came in with my son as he stomped in the door. He dumped his backpack and jacket on the floor. When I reminded him where they belonged, he glared at me and snarled a reply. At my rebuke,...