What Does The Resurrection Mean For Moms?

What Does The Resurrection Mean For Moms?

We talk a lot about Jesus being the substitute for us when he died on the cross, but why does the resurrection matter? When I was a child, I read a story about a boy who, through his own greed, became a dragon. He was a horrid, self-centred child, and becoming a...
3 truths to remember when the storm rages

3 truths to remember when the storm rages

Snowflakes swirled around us as we said goodnight. He brushed accumulated snow off his car, then drove away, leaving deep tracks in the road. No one else wanted to drive tonight, but he had to get home. And home was 2 1/2 hours down a dark and slippery highway. It was...
What Micah 6:8 means for moms

What Micah 6:8 means for moms

I’ve been feeling spiritually dry recently. I’m sure it has a lot to do with the fact that schedules are changing around here – Dodger has given up his afternoon nap so my at-home afternoons are no longer as quiet as they used to be. Going back to...