Welcome to my awesome list of the 10 Best Christian Picture Books!

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As the Director of Children’s Ministries at my church, I have scoured the Christian picture book world over the past 12 years, looking for excellent books to recommend to “my” families.
As a mom, I have read bazillions of library books and learned which ones truly engage children.
As a writer, I have sluiced through hundreds of the top books, both Christian and secular, figuring out what makes them good and why kids like them.
You, dear reader, get to take advantage of my years of research!
What follows is a list of THE best Christian picture books on the market today. In fact, if you bought all 10, I have no doubt that you would have a fantastic library of books that your kids would come back to repeatedly, and that you would enjoy reading to them.
Now, I know there are a lot of great books out there. (don’t believe me? Check out my book review YouTube channel!) I picked these ones specifically, because separately they are amazing, but together, they create a multi-faceted picture of God, the plan of salvation, and how this makes a difference in our lives today. None of the books overlap, and none of these are basic Bible stories you could find for cheaper in a compilation children’s Bible.
Here are the qualifications for each individual book:
1) God is the focus
I have read some great allegorical and metaphorical books, but since young kids aren’t able to think abstractly, I think these books have limited value for them. (They DO have value, but more for older kids, or as books they remember later in life, when they finally connect the dots.) The books on my list all talk explicitly about God and provide spiritual value to your kids NOW.
2) Good for multiple ages, both genders
There are a lot of fabulous faith-based books that are about trucks and princesses, but I wanted your library to appeal to ALL your kids. Also, I chose books that aren’t (a) preschool-y or (b) contain so much text that the average 4 year old couldn’t handle it. Again, I want this library of books to appeal to ALL your kids. (well, at least the ones age 3-10!)
3) Emphasis on God’s grace
No legalistic books allowed! These books all showcase God’s incredible love and grace, making your child WANT to know and obey Him.
4) Engaging story
What’s worse than a boring kids book? An ANNOYING kids book! You won’t read it to your kids if you don’t like it too. Am I right?? Each of these stories is engaging for kids AND adults. Almost all of these books have made me choke up when reading them, so I know they’re well-written and speak to a heart-need.
5) Excellent illustrations
I have found a lot of books with a TON of text and totally boring illustrations. You can have the awesomest story in the world, but if the illustrations are sparse or boring, no kid is going to want you to read it to them.
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Ok, are you ready?
Here they are, starting with books that cover God’s plan of redemption, then narrowing down to Christian life (like the fruit of the Spirit and our response to God), then to things kids deal with (like anxiety and hard times).

MAIN THEME: God’s entire plan of redemption (It literally recaps the whole Bible!)
SECONDARY THEME: God’s story is big, and you can be a part of it too! “In this fast-paced journey through the Old and New Testaments, kids will hear the stories of the Garden of Eden, the great Flood, the Promised Land, the kings of Israel, the holy baby born in a stable, and some unlikely friends who started a new church. Each part of the narrative highlights a different aspect of God’s faithfulness to us. Ultimately, readers will see how they fit into God’s big story of love when they write their names in the book on the last page!
This beautiful picture book also teaches children about God’s promise of a Redeemer through the visual portrayal of a glowing star and the insightful connections back to the person of Jesus on almost every page.”

MAIN THEME: The story of Easter, including why we need it.
SECONDARY THEME: It traces God’s plan of salvation through the Old Testament tabernacle! Super cool.
BONUS: The illustrator is magnificent and hilarious.
“This beautifully illustrated hardback book takes children on a journey from the garden of Eden to God’s prefect new creation.
Retelling the Easter story through a Bible overview, children will discover that ‘because of our sin, we can’t go in’ but because of Jesus’ victory on the cross, an even better garden awaits us…”

MAIN THEME: God created diversity, but sin has caused us to dislike those who are different from us.
SECONDARY THEME: God’s plan of salvation, and how it even impacts current issues like racism.
BONUS: The illustrator is magnificent and hilarious. (same one as above!)
“God’s very good idea is to have lots of different people enjoying loving him and loving each other. This stunningly illustrated journey from the garden of Eden to God’s heavenly throne room shows how despite our sinfulness, everyone can be a part of God’s very good idea through the saving work of Christ.
This book will help children see how people from all ethnic and social backgrounds are valuable to God and how Jesus came to rescue all kinds of people. It will also excite them about being part of church.”

MAIN THEME: God’s incredible, radical love
SECONDARY THEME: We ought not to judge each other
“A stirring story and lovely illustrations create a multi-layered tale that is both charming and thought-provoking. Sidney & Norman uses the simple context of two pigs living next door to each other to communicate a profound truth about how we judge each other and often judge ourselves. On the surface, Sidney & Norman appears to be a picture book that will entertain kids. But this story has deeply moved adult audiences as well and can help us reconsider how much God loves us and how we love each other.”

MAIN THEME: You have been created unique, and with a purpose
BONUS: This is a rhyming book that appeals far beyond the preschool years. It’s just plain fun to read. Also, the main character is this awesome, spunky little girl.
“From early on, children are looking to discover their place in the world and longing to understand how their personalities, traits, and talents fit in. The assurance that they are deeply loved and a unique creation in our big universe is certain to help them spread their wings and fly.
Through playful, charming rhyme and vivid, fantastical illustrations, When God Made You inspires young readers to learn about their own special gifts and how they fit into God’s divine plan as they grow, explore, and begin to create for themselves.”

MAIN THEME: The fruit of the Spirit
BONUS: This is a completely unique treatment of the fruit of the Spirit, featuring a multicultural, urban cast of characters. (BONUS: There’s a second book with the same feel, called “Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too”.)
“Every child wonders where God lives or what God is like. In Maybe God Is Like That Too, a young boy asks his grandma where God is in their city. She invites him to pay attention to where he sees the fruit of the Spirit. Where love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are, there too is God. The boy sees God in the kindness of a doorman holding the door for a man using a wheelchair, in the patience of his teacher helping him tie his shoes, and in the love, faithfulness, and gentleness of his grandma. An ordinary day in his city opens this young boy’s eyes to God’s Spirit at work all around him.”

MAIN THEME: Our response to God’s love
BONUS: This is super relatable book for kids, because it deals with normal childhood misunderstandings of serving and loving God.
“When Ronnie Wilson learns of Jesus’ sacrifice, he wants to give Jesus a gift in return. But how can he get it to heaven? With each attempt, he performs a simple act of service for someone in need, and eventually learns that what is done for the least in God’s kingdom is done for Jesus himself.”

MAIN THEME: We can trust God because he is always with us, and he cares for us
SECONDARY THEME: God has a plan for each of us
BONUS: The seed is hilarious. The whole book is written in prose, but the seed speaks in rhythm and rhyme and he has quite the little attitude!
“Whether we like it or not, growing up brings change. For many children, this conjures fears that are sometimes real and sometimes imagined. How can kids learn that even when they face new and unfamiliar situations, they don’t have to be afraid?
“Little Seed and Little Fox are facing changes and brand new circumstances—and they don’t like it one bit! Through this unlikely friendship, children will discover that no matter how new or fearful their circumstances, God is always with them.”

MAIN THEME: God’s love doesn’t change, even when we go through hard times and don’t feel His love.
BONUS: The illustrations in this book are stunning. My boys LOVED this one and asked for it again and again, and I think the stunning imagery is part of it!
“What if God’s love were like the sun, constant and unchanging? What if one day you realized nothing could take that away?
Firebird is a bright orange baby oriole who just loves the sunshine. But whenever a storm blows in, he frets and asks Mama why God allows the rain to take the sun away. When Firebird is finally old enough, his mother gently instructs him to fly up through the thunder and lightning to see what’s on the other side. Firebird rises above the storm to discover the sun shining where it always had been. God never lets the storm take the sun away. With that truth in his heart, Firebird continues to bask in the sunshine, but just as important, he learns to rejoice in the rain.”

MAIN THEME: God’s love, as told through the Christmas story
BONUS: This is the only Christmas book on this list. I’m sure you already have a ton, but the messaging on this one is crystal clear, and it’s SO fun.
Mortimer’s Christmas Manger is hands-down my favourite Christmas story. Ever. It starts with little Mortimer mouse searching for a better place to live than his dark and dreary hole in the wall. He finds a nativity scene set up, and decides to move right in, dragging all the little statues away each day so he can sleep on the little bed. But Mortimer is in for a surprise when he hears the Christmas story and finds out that there was no room for baby Jesus.
1) Quinn’s Promise Rock

I didn’t add these two books into the full list above because they’re MY books, and I didn’t want to self-promote. That said, I would be doing you a disservice if I DIDN’T tell you about my books because I think they can truly be a beloved addition to your bookshelf! They are gorgeously illustrated and I have heard many stories of kids who want to read them every night.
Quinn, the thoughtful little owl, has a lot of worries and questions for her father.
“What if I get lost?”
“What if you dive and I don’t notice?”
“What if you get too far ahead of me and I can’t find you?”
Written for children experiencing moments of separation anxiety or other common fears, Quinn’s Promise Rock reminds kids that God will always be there for them, whatever happens or wherever they go.
Grab the free teacher’s guide here.
2) Quinn Says Goodbye

When Quinn the Owl makes a new friend, a firefly named Blink, she is filled with joy. But one night, Quinn wakes up to find her friend has disappeared in a flash.
“Momma, why didn’t God make Blink stay with me? Didn’t he know how much I loved him?”
“God doesn’t always stop bad things from happening, Quinn. But He does promise that He will always be with you, and He will never stop being your friend.”
Beautifully illustrated and thoughtfully written, Quinn Says Goodbye is designed for children dealing with different kinds of loss, whether it be death of a pet or a family member, or simply the loss of a favorite toy. Remind little ones that although people and things might not be in their life forever, God will never leave them.
Grab the free teacher’s guide here.
Want more booklists?
These 12 books will give you a truly solid Christian library for your family or classroom, but if you’d like more picture book recommendations on certain topics, here are several articles with booklists.