Sacred Pathways for Kids

Sacred Pathways for Kids

These 9 sacred pathways will make your child’s faith explode (in a good way) Ready to find out how to guide your child into relationship with Jesus? It’s never been more important for our kids to develop a deep, honest relationship with God. With more and...
Raising Teens Who Know and Love God

Raising Teens Who Know and Love God

A huge thanks to Monica Swanson, author of the upcoming Boy Mom book and homeschool mom of 4 amazing boys, for sharing her ideas on raising teens who actually love God. I have four sons, and two of them are suddenly more man than boy. (One will be 20, the other 18 in...
7 Gospel-Focused Christian Easter books

7 Gospel-Focused Christian Easter books

INSIDE: Christian Easter books that share the Gospel message in addition to telling the actual story of the first Easter. Have you ever gotten a little stuck when trying to share the Easter story with kids? You might get stuck on the Christian lingo we use, like...
How To Make the Most of Bedtime Prayer for Toddlers

How To Make the Most of Bedtime Prayer for Toddlers

Thank you to Kayla Alonso from Baby Devotions for this incredibly helpful post with 4 practical steps toward meaningful bedtime prayer for toddlers! Now I lay me down to sleep,I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. We...