How to explain the resurrection to a child

How to explain the resurrection to a child

INSIDE: how to explain the resurrection to a child, and a free printable conversation guide! Resurrection Sunday in 2018 happened shortly after I had a major surgery, so, for the first time in years, I wasn’t in charge of the Children’s Ministries that...
A Gospel Presentation For Kids…In Just 3 Verses

A Gospel Presentation For Kids…In Just 3 Verses

Use this simple gospel presentation for kids or adults. It is more compelling to children than many other gospel presentations for kids because of the rich visual imagery of the Kingdom of God.  I was sitting in the first row in my Invertebrates class at...
A Family Messianic Passover Seder

A Family Messianic Passover Seder

Learn how to host your first family Messianic Passover Seder meal. I sat in my scratchy nylons at a long wooden table. All the other 12-year-olds from my Sunday School class sat in similar plastic chairs along the table. Together, we dipped a green vegetable into a...
Fun Christian Easter Activities for Families

Fun Christian Easter Activities for Families

The following is a list of do-able crafts, simple snacks, Easter egg hunt additions, and Easter books will help your family celebrate a meaningful Easter in a fun way. Without further ado, here’s the list of fun Christian Easter activities for families and...