New Creation: Understanding Your Identity in Christ JOURNAL (GROUP)



The Bible says anyone in Christ is a new creation, but what exactly does that mean?

As parents and as children, we tend to base our identity on many things other than God. You might consider yourself a wife and mother, or a pastor, accountant, lawyer, or nurse. Your children might base their own identity and self-worth on how well they perform in school, how often they get in trouble, or how many kids ask to play with them at recess.

This family Bible study and prayer journal will help you study 20 key verses that deal directly with who your identity is in Christ, as well as help you memorize one key verse about who you are in Christ.


  • 1-2 verses to read
  • discussion or journaling questions to help you and your kids understand what the verses mean
  • space to draw/write your thoughts
  • a fun, simple (optional) activity that helps deepen your child’s understanding
  • a prayer that God would make this part of your child’s identity known to them

See a sample of the 20 journal pages in the images above, as well as a sample verse poster. The poster is available in ESV, NIV, NLT, and KJV.

The journal begins with identities carried by all human beings, such as:

  • made in the image of God
  • fearfully and wonderfully made
  • worth more than many sparrows
  • loved by God

The journal then continues into identities only carried by those who trust and follow Jesus, such as:

  • redeemed
  • a child of God
  • a friend of God
  • Christ’s ambassador
  • a citizen of heaven
  • created in Christ Jesus to do good works
  • the temple of the Holy Spirit
  • a new creation
  • and many more!

Explore them all in detail with this Bible study and prayer journal! Give it to an older child to work through alone, or do it together with younger kids. Even parents will find this journal helpful to explore your own identity in Christ.

*Please note, this is a digital download and no document will be mailed to you. You have permission to print or digitally distribute this file to families in your church. 


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