Many years ago, I made a New Years Resolution to get healthier by exercising every day. Wanna know how long that lasted?
About 4 days. 🤣
Resolutions are a fun way to dream about our life goals and changes we want to make, but there’s a reason January 17th is “Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day”.
Resolutions tend to be impractical and unsustainable.
You know what is very practical and super sustainable?
Little habits.
Here’s why:
1) Habits are the building blocks of our lives.
From what you eat for breakfast to what you do as you drive your kids to school, habits impact everything about our lives.
“Our habits show clearly what we worship, and our lives reflect what’s important to us.”
Shelly Wildman, First Ask Why
2) Our brains love to check things off.
Our brains are literally wired to create habits, because automatic behaviors simplify things for our brains. Habits are easier to check off than resolutions because they’re more definable. You can’t check off “help my child grow spiritually” but you CAN check off “pray the Lord’s prayer together each morning”. This is what spiritual disciplines are all about – consistent spiritual habits that define our days.
This check-off-ability also creates accountability. Your kids can’t say “mommy, did you help me grow spiritually today?” But they CAN say “mommy, did you say the Lord’s prayer with me today?”
3) Little habits are easy and sustainable
Habits come naturally once you’ve created them because you’ve literally created a rut in your brain. The simpler the habit, the faster it becomes a habit.
BJ Fogg, author of Tiny Habits says “keeping changes small and expectations low is how you design around faith-weather friends like motivation and willpower. When something is tiny, it’s easy to do – which means you don’t need to rely on the unreliable nature of motivation.”
4) Little habits are stackable
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says “just as atoms are the building blocks of molecules, atomic habits are the building blocks of remarkable results.” What does he mean by “atomic habits”? He means LITTLE habits. 😉
Add together more than one New Years Resolution and we tend to end up quitting even quicker because it’s just too much.
However, when you keep your habits simple, you can add one after the other and it creates a life rhythm that creates remarkable changes in your family.
For example, I know many families that began with a 15-second Biblical blessing at bedtime that slowly stacked into a much longer time of spiritual growth.
5) Little habits are flexible
If you forget to work on your New Years resolution all day, you might be tempted to throw in the towel.
However, with a little habit, you can say “let’s do it right now” or “I’ll do it first thing in the morning” because it’s SO easy and quick.
6) Little habits create long-lasting life change
Because little habits are easy, sustainable, stackable and flexible, they actually help you create true life change. They’re not a dream, or a goal or a resolution.
They’re life-changing.
Ok, so all that is great, but HOW do you actually start spiritual habits in your family and how do you know where to start?
I have created a free, 5-day habits challenge where I walk you through it, step-by-step!
Each day you’ll receive a SHORT video (about 5 minutes long) and a mini-assignment that should take less than 1 minute. I will teach you the EXACT recipe to integrating sustainable and realistic faith habits in your family.
Learn more about the 5-day Habits Challenge