Help Your Child Develop a Deep Relationship With Jesus...

…even when life is chaotic and overwhelming

Join the 5-day Faith Habits Challenge and discover the way to deeper faith, without having to KNOW it all or DO it all.

Whether you’re packing unending lunches and looking at the mountain of laundry, you’re helping your child navigate tricky friendships, or just trying to keep the kids alive for dinner, you can’t shake this niggling feeling that you’re missing out on what’s most important.

You want your kids to fall in love with Jesus and have a real faith that affects their lives.

You’d love to consistently lead them through prayer and reading the Bible, and to grow in your own faith alongside them, but it just doesn’t seem to happen.

My Story:

Despite being the Children’s Ministry Director at my church for 12 years, I spent many years struggling to become consistent at praying with my own kids and reading the Bible with them. Then, I discovered the transformative power of little faith habits that grow surprisingly deep faith roots in families. Since then, I have been helping families worldwide learn the simple way toward creating sustainable and realistic faith habits.

Now, I know that every Christian parent can confidently nurture deep faith roots in her kids through little habits that add up over time!


Through this 5-day challenge, I will equip you to help your child develop a deep relationship with Jesus through little, realistic habits that make a deep difference.

God can do a lot with our little.

We just have to start. Ready?

Join the 5-Day Faith Habits Challenge

Each day you’ll receive a SHORT video (about 5 minutes long) and a mini-assignment that should take less than 1 minute. I will teach you the EXACT recipe to integrating sustainable and realistic faith habits in your family.

I need this!

Hi, I’m Christie Thomas, your guide for this challenge

When my kids were little, I desperately wanted to nurture deep faith roots in their lives, but I couldn’t find the right tools. I flitted from creative idea to devotional book to the next big idea, but I had no routines. I never got past day 5 of a devotional book, I couldn’t remember to pray for my kids at night, and I felt like a failure.

I was the Children’s Ministry Director at my church and I couldn’t even figure out how to teach my own kids about God consistently! Deep down, I wanted my husband to simply take over and be the spiritual leader so I wouldn’t have to change, but I realized that God didn’t want me to abdicate my role as spiritual leader to my kids.

Little by little, I began to recognize the power of tiny little faith habits in our lives. I learned how to tuck in a 30-second prayer at bedtime and was delighted when that tiny habit eventually led to a robust nightly conversation about faith. I researched habit formation and found a way to make morning devotional time a habit for us.

Through it all, I discovered that tiny little faith habits are the best tools for growing deep faith roots in my family. They provided the structure we needed, freeing me up to get creative and have fun.

I finally tuned out the voices telling me that I had to do big things in order for my family to thrive spiritually, and I learned to trust in God’s calling on my life as the spiritual leader of my children.

If you’re ready to start some new habits that will change your life FOREVER, join me for this 5-day challenge.