For Your Faith, Mommy Blog
Today in my series about Sacred Pathways for moms, we talk about the benefits of faith-routines in our own lives. [x_line] I have an amazing friend that seems to thrive on routine. She does a load of laundry daily, swishes out the toilet whenever she uses it,...
For Your Faith, Mommy Blog, Parenting
I scrubbed crusty orange vomit from the white carpet stairs. How had I gotten to the place where I didn’t even have time to clean this up before it dried? For four years, two little boys had filled up my time and heart. I hadn’t exactly been desperate for...
For Your Faith, Mommy Blog
In my series on Sacred Pathways for moms, today we talk about how to connect with God while serving others in the nitty-gritty, repetitive details of life. [x_line] I had another moment with God tonight. It wasn’t nearly as wonderful as the one...
For Your Faith, Mommy Blog
In my series on Sacred Pathways for moms, today we talk about how being an activist can draw you closer (or further!) from God. Is it even possible to be an activist while being tied to the routines of a mom-life? [x_line] I tend to post a fair amount on my private...
For Your Faith, Mommy Blog
Connecting with God through nature doesn’t need to be scary or mysterious. Let God draw you in through his incredible creation! Wind whipped our hair as we stood on the top level of the boat. The boat cut through the choppy water, leaving our wake splashing...
For Your Faith, Mommy Blog
When you think about how you worship God, would you categorize yourself as an enthusiast? The enthusiast Christian loves God with all their being and shows it with with excitement. They live on a rollercoaster ride of “letting go and letting God.” They...