How to walk away from worry in 3 steps

How to walk away from worry in 3 steps

It was like a child had unrolled a skein of yarn and tried to put it back together, then placed the ensuing mess in my mind for me to unravel and place back in the proper order. The things I needed to do today mixed with the list I needed to start for a family trip...
5 ways to enjoy church as an introvert

5 ways to enjoy church as an introvert

Let me tell you a story… You walk into church and a greeter gives you a handshake and says welcome. There are about two hundred people milling around. They stand in groups with their backs to you, drinking coffee. None of them turn to say hello. When people...
when a mommy gets angry

when a mommy gets angry

When I graduated from high school, my parents got me a gift. It came in a little box, it glowed in the dark, it was….a digital watch. As my dad watched me open it he said, “now you won’t be late anymore!” Thanks Dad. 🙂 Yes, I did...