Habits Are Better Than Resolutions. Here’s Why.

Habits Are Better Than Resolutions. Here’s Why.

Many years ago, I made a New Years Resolution to get healthier by exercising every day. Wanna know how long that lasted? About 4 days. 🤣 Resolutions are a fun way to dream about our life goals and changes we want to make, but there’s a reason January...

The Mother Son Prayer Journal

The Mother Son Prayer journal will help you grow a deeper relationship with your son and help him connect with God at the same time. You thought it would be easy to have spiritual conversations with your son. It seems that every other mom knows how to do this....
9 Amazing Reasons to be a Mom of 3 Boys

9 Amazing Reasons to be a Mom of 3 Boys

Being a mom of 3 boys can be a lot of work, but there are significant perks to this mom-job! If I had a dollar for every time someone said one of the following things to me when I’m out with my 3 boys, I’d be living on a private island right now: Are you...