Prayer Journals for Young Kids

Prayer Journals for Young Kids

Have you ever kept a prayer journal? I kept several throughout my school years, and occasionally I brave a peek at them, if only to shake my head at my adolescent prayers.  Many people love to write their prayers. For some people the process of writing helps...
4 simple ways to teach your kids about God

4 simple ways to teach your kids about God

Sometimes I skim through a book on passing on faith to kids and I feel exceedingly guilty. I’m not doing enough, praying enough, talking about God enough. Ever feel the same way? How can you teach your kids about God? Maybe you’re the parent who...
helping your child find faith and relationship with God

helping your child find faith and relationship with God

There are so many books in the Christian world about training your child in faith. Most of them are great, but most of them are also written from the perspective of one family, and they are sharing what worked for them. However, as with many other things in life, what...
Getting your child’s faith to stick

Getting your child’s faith to stick

We’ve all heard the stats about children drifting, walking, and even running away from God when they reach adulthood. Is there a solution? A magic bullet even? Let me introduce you to Sticky Faith, a book written by Dr. Kara Powell and Dr. Chap Clark after...