A huge thanks to Monica Swanson, author of the upcoming Boy Mom book and homeschool mom of 4 amazing boys, for sharing her ideas on raising teens who actually love God. I have four sons, and two of them are suddenly more man than boy. (One will be 20, the other 18 in...
Do you know how the share the Gospel with a child in the easiest way possible? With colors! You may have seen something called “the wordless book” or made beaded bracelets with the colors in Sunday School. The colors are usually presented in this...
When I don’t know how to answer my child’s questions, I pray this prayer for my children. The question came out of nowhere. “How do I know God exists when I can’t see him?” asked my four-year-old son. My jaw dropped; I had never heard...
A huge thanks to Lisa from Graceful Abandon for this fabulous article on teaching kids to pray! You teach your kids to tie their shoelaces, to put on their shirts with the tag in the back, and to stop picking their noses. You teach them how to do math, how to navigate...
A huge thanks to Steph Thurling from Raising Prayerful Kids for this helpful and inspiring article on Lectio Divina for kids! My 7-year-old son, Calvin, has been downhill skiing for over a year. He took two days of lessons at Mount Crested Butte in Colorado, and...
A huge thank you to Lois McKiernan of Where Truth Lives for this fabulous article on toddler prayer! “Is there anything you’d like to pray?” My toddler nodded, then squeezed his big eyes closed. “Thank You, God, for all my friends playing...
I am a mom and writer with over a decade of experience as Children’s Ministries Director. I believe that every Christian parent can confidently nurture deep faith roots in their kids through little habits that add up over time. My devotionals and children’s books will help you cultivate faith-filled moments with your kids. Learn more about how I can help you here.