We grew up hearing the stories of Abraham, David, Daniel, Peter, and Paul. But how often did we hear the stories of the women of the Bible, like Ruth, Deborah, Priscilla, or Miriam?
I think it’s time we look more deeply at the women in the Bible and acknowledge that they are crucial to the story of God.
Did you grow up hearing stories about heroes of the faith? Even if you didn’t grow up in the church, I bet you have a vague idea of who Noah is…you know, the guy who built the big boat.
I bet you’ve heard the story of David and Goliath. And I’m sure you’ve heard of these guys: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
But did you also know that thousands of years ago there were women that participated in Israelite leadership?
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Think of amazing women of the Bible like Deborah and Miriam, both who had leadership abilities and used them.
Or Ruth and Naamah, women who descended from Lot’s daughters and were woven into the lineage of Jesus.
Or Mary Magdalene, the first evangelist, Priscilla, one of the first missionaries and Junia, labeled an apostle of Jesus Christ.
Huldah and Anna were both prophetesses held in great honour for sharing the words of God.
And hello, Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ… ??♀️
God has used so many women in his story and we have often just glossed over them, particularly when they don’t marry somebody important like Esther did. Our girls and boys need to hear their stories too.
Our kids need to hear the stories of women who followed God when it was hard. Who used their leadership gifts when it was culturally inappropriate. Who had faith, who had courage and who God used to share the gospel. God uses men and women, and both our girls and boys need to hear their stories.
And what better way than to introduce these women through picture books with exciting illustrations? Each book ties together different parts of each woman’s story and uses strong research to make educated guesses about the rest.

Children’s Books About Women of the Bible
1. Called and Courageous Girls (Series)
The first series is called “Called and Courageous Girls”. Just that title makes me want to mount a horse and wave a sword.
“A brave big sister” is the story of Miriam, sister of Moses and Aaron. “An extraordinary teacher” is the story of Priscilla, noted several times in the book of Acts as partner with her husband Aquila and with Paul the apostle.
I particularly loved “an extraordinary teacher” because Priscilla’s story shows us that God doesn’t follow cultural norms. He delights in breaking our boxes of what should and shouldn’t be done. (Coming out soon is a third book, all about Deborah.) My boys have loved reading all these books. They are not just for girls.
2. Bible Belles (Series)
Bible Belles was birthed from the idea that little girls everywhere know more about the Disney Princesses than the heroic women of the Bible.
3. Grit and Grace (book and devotional)
If you have slightly older kids, Caryn Rivadeneira has done an amazing job of unmasking 17 women of the Bible in her book called “Grit and Grace”. Not only does she share their stories, but she also gives kids permission to wrestle with tough questions, which is incredibly valuable as part of our faith journey.
So there you have it: several amazing books to introduce your kids to the women of the Bible. You can find all these books on Amazon or at your local library!
If you love the books I have suggested, you can download my free list of the 10 best Christian picture books here or by clicking on the picture below.