How can you focus on teaching children about Jesus without feeling guilty about having a normal, busy family life? Read on or listen in for ONE game-changing tip!
One of my boys requires a lot of time to transition from activity to activity. When he was a toddler, he would scream if we didn’t give him enough time to transition. He needed us to complete the full countdown routine each time we wanted to leave the park or his grandparent’s house, or even to come down for dinner!
As an older elementary child, he still thrives on routine. If we deviate from a plan even a bit, he gets frustrated.

Teaching children about Jesus through routines
Children thrive on routine, right?
I believe every child begins with the heart of a Traditionalist because young children do best when their lives are run by routines. That may not continue to need routines and rituals to guide their faith as they grow, but it’s a great place to begin.
That means that it’s extra important to develop family faith routines to support your child’s faith.
Going to church regularly, reading the Bible on a regular basis, and teaching your kids to pray at regular times of day will help your growing traditionalist thrive in faith.
That sounds simple, but it’s not always easy, especially since our families are often moving from dawn till dusk!
Here’s my ONE simple tip for today…
Instead of trying to cram Bible teaching or prayer into your overstuffed life, think of it as attaching it to something you’re already doing.
You’re already putting your kids to bed. Could you pray and read a simple devotional book or Bible story just before putting them to bed? Or maybe even just say a quick bedtime blessing?
You’re probably also eating breakfast or supper with your kids – could incorporate a faith conversation there?
Think about the things you already do most days, and, like velcro, attach a new, healthy faith habit to that task.
RELATED: How to start a new habit (for real!)
A book to help with your Bible-reading routine
Instead of a picture book recommendation today, I have a Bible study book recommendation!

Wise for Salvation is a Bible study book for preschoolers that makes studying the Bible easy and fun. Each of the 86 Bible stories is broken into 5 very simple interactive activities that your child will love.
Each activity requires no preparation, which makes it easy for parents to integrate into your daily life because you don’t need to run around finding supplies!
Our family has used this book for many years and our boys love it. Not only did it help us very easily create a routine and culture of Bible reading in our family, but it helped them go a lot deeper into each story because the engaged with it at a different level in each of the 5 activities.
Our boys know the Bible. But more importantly, they’re learning how it affects their daily lives. Each lesson also comes with a prayer to use with your child so you can also grow in the habit of prayer.
Using Wise for Salvation will help your family grow strong routines around family faith without being a burden on your busy schedule.
You can grab “Wise for Salvation” from Amazon.
Here’s an example of how we used it at home!
More Sacred Pathways for Kids!
This article was specifically about the Traditionalist worship style, but did you know there are actually 9 worship styles for kids? I have a downloadable quiz that you can take which will help you determine which of the 9 worship styles your child leans toward. Download the quiz here!
The concept of Sacred Pathways comes from Gary Thomas’ book by the same name. Check out Sacred Pathways on Amazon.
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